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Vortrag "On love... and other difficulties"

Aktualisiert: 12. Sept. 2022

Sehen Sie sich hier einen Vortrag (in Englisch) meiner geschätzten Dozentin Erena Bramos über "Die Liebe und andere Schwierigkeiten":

Dieser Vortrag wurde im Juni 2022 für die Studenten und Alumni der Core Energetics Insitute weltweit gehalten. Erena Bramos ist die Direktorin des Instituts in Griechenland (wo ich meine Ausbildung abgeschlossen habe) und über vierzig Jahre als Psychotherapeutin in privater Praxis tätig. Neben vielen Aspekten in ihren Lehren liegt ihr Schwerpunkt beim Nicht-Dualen-Bewusstsein im Bereich der Psychotherapie.

Hier ein Auszug aus diesem wunderbaren Vortrag über die Liebe...

"... Think about how many expectations you have in order to decide that you have a good relationship.

These expectations are underlined by demands. Underneath the expectations and what sustains them are demands. Demands on life and on ourselves. The most strongly acute demands that we put on ourselves have to do with the illusion, the false believe, that "I will experience love if I am worthy".

In love there is no such thing as being worthy.

Love is there because you are there. You are love. Love is life and you are life.

But this illusion that we are worthy or not, connects intimately with the believe that I am somebody.

And one of the elements that sustains me believing that I am somebody is what we called the "Idealized Self Image".

“I am somebody" is defined by who I think I am but also by who I think I need to become.

Think of the effort you do in a relationship to prove yourself worthy or how often you demand on the other to be a certain way for them to be worthy... That doesn’t allow you to experience love and connection and brings you to suffering.

Can you imagine if love was the prerequisite? How would it be if the prerequisite is not to be worthy, but LOVE.

The recognition that love is always present, can you imagine to be that the prerequisite?... "

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