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Why our biology is important for personality development

What do elements of occupational therapy, sensorimotor skills and neuroscience have in common? - They form the basis for successful and holistic further development.

First of all, understanding our body, our nervous system and how it works, and learning or striving for changes based on this, makes personality development not only easier, but also more efficient and, above all, holistic.

If we know our body and that it stores all our experiences, motives, beliefs, etc. and that by far the largest part of our subconscious is anchored in the body, we can also use it to tackle challenges, solve problems and learn.

Adults and children often have an unrecognized deficiency in correct sensory perception. This develops in the early childhood stage, for example, through movements that train proprioception, gross/fine motor skills, maturation/integration of primitive reflexes, hand-eye coordination, etc.

The integration of primitive reflexes and good development of sensory perception is the basis for further development, learning and well-being.

If sensory perception was not developed properly or our primitive reflexes were not fully integrated, the body constantly feels insecure. This can manifest itself, for example, in learning and concentration difficulties or AD(H)S, but also in many other behaviors and blockages.

Neuroception, i.e. the ability of our autonomic nervous system (ANS) to automatically check and evaluate signals from our environment (safety or survival mode), plays a major role in this context. It originates in the brain stem (the so-called reptilian brain, which is over 500 million years old) and is a subcortical, i.e. purely unconscious, instinctive and intuitive process that evaluates risks 24/7 and helps us to distinguish dangerous from safe situations.

Sensory information from the environment is taken in when sensory perception is "faulty" or primitive reflexes are not/barely integrated in such a way that our ANS is permanently in survival mode (fight/flight/freeze). This causes stress. Additional stress factors added in everyday life are then even more difficult to cope with, because the stress level of these people is per se and unconsciously already very high.

This is one of the reasons why some people are more resilient than others. If we have well-integrated primitive reflexes and good sensory perception, we have a more resilient body that can handle stress better.

A permanently tense ANS also means that our ability to absorb and learn is reduced. If, for example, we want to learn something new or change behavior patterns, a relaxed nervous system is the basis.

In order to achieve a holistic development and to create the basis for lifelong learning, I work in my coachings and trainings with exercises for sensory integration / sensomotoric and specially processed music, which stimulates our vagus nerve (so-called relaxation nerve).

If our nervous system is finally relaxed and our sensory perception well integrated, a holistic personal development also succeeds, because it takes place not only in the head, but in the whole body.

If you want to know more about my neurosensory and sensorimotor coachings please click here.

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© 2024 by Daniela Zambrana

+43 664 12 76 771

Ortnergasse 7 / 8

1150 Vienna


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