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Daniela Zambrana körperorientiertes ganzheitliches Coaching Wien

Body-oriented Coaching

Using movement to work through problems, release tensions and resistances and  gain energy.

Body-oriented Coaching / Embodied Coaching

Working through problems quickly and effectively with physical movement.

Body and soul form a unity. This is not only the assumption of psychosomatics. This assumption also forms the basis of our work in body-oriented coaching.
In body-oriented coaching, we complement conversations and "head work" with movement in order to gain quick and effective access to our unconscious.

Embodiment comes from cognitive science, and research in this area shows that mental states not only affect the body, but also vice versa. Neuroscientific findings also influence this work.
With targeted exercises we process problems, suppressed feelings and stress, we release tensions and inner resistances. Working with the body helps us to get a lot of clarity in a short time, because our body immediately goes into action and thus immediately accesses unconscious patterns of thought and behavior, which thereby directly come to light.

Body-oriented coaching is suitable for individuals, couples, groups and also companies.

Body-oriented Coaching in
Private Context

Private individuals book body-oriented coaching e.g.

  • to find new perspectives

  • for professional orientation and career development

  • to change behavioral patterns

  • to strengthen self-confidence

  • as a couple, to find each other again

Body-oriented Coaching in a Business Context

Body-oriented coaching in companies is suitable e.g.

  • to reduce stress and build resilience

  • in teams/departments for conflict resolution

  • for managers who want to delegate more

  • to work out values, strengths and goals

  • to improve communication

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© 2024 by Daniela Zambrana

+43 664 12 76 771

Ortnergasse 7 / 8

1150 Vienna


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